Bad Ideas>Good Ideas

Everybody is quick to point out a bad idea. It’s fairly easy to assimilate why something is not working.

However, as a creator, the bad ideas are inevitable. I’ll go as far as saying they are necessary. Every “bad” idea when writing music is really just a stepping stone to the good idea. By itself, the bad melody will die, but the following edit of that melody could hit just right. You wouldn’t have arrived to the good melody with the bad first.

Sure, sometimes the great stuff just pours out, but any creator will tell you that should not rely on those moments. Capture them, savor them, enjoy them – but know they are fleeting.

Most songs I write have been started in a different form altogether and shaped.

Here are two new *rough* ideas created over the past 2 days. The first recording is the seed idea – not great. I liked the bass line, E-A-Ab-A but when working it out, something didn’t fit.

So now comes the second recording. Using the same basic structure I found a guitar pattern that uses the same progression, only better. Then, I wanted to lay a clear melody over it before it got too busy (lessons learned from many years).

Now, I have a solid idea to shape into a full song.

Idea 1:

Idea 2: