How To Get Your Favorite Indie Band To Your Town

I originally had this idea about 4 years ago.  Ideas are worth exactly zero until you act on them.

Kickstarter + Booking Agent + Promoter = Gigable

Pre-funded gigs where you can hand-pick the venue. I’ve got a test case in the works. Check back soon.


16 responses to “How To Get Your Favorite Indie Band To Your Town”

  1. is in alpha mode with the first test gig in the works.

      1. We’re still working with the artist on the gig date. They are coming from California to Chicago, so once that is set we will launch the campaign on Thanks for asking!

      2. Hi Amanda – just FYI – the first official gigable campaign is running.

        1. Neat! Let me know how it goes. Looks like a cool thing.

          1. Thanks Amanda. Here’s our facebook page if you would like to follow our progress.


          2. Hi Amanda – wanted to let you know that gigable is up and running and artists are seeing good results! Let me know if you want some help to run a test campaign.

          3. Thanks, Mechlin. I’d love to learn more about it.

          4. Here’s the link the blog at gigable:

            I’m using it myself to fund a house concert in support of a regional singer/songwriter from the midwest. His name is Kevin Presbrey and the campaign is live now.

  2. Great idea! Looking forward to seeing in action!

    1. Thanks Ross! We’re open for beta testing 🙂

      1. Awesome! I’ll pass the details on to any of my clients who might be interested!

        1. Hi Ross – just FYI – is live and our first official gig campaign is running!

  3. The first official gig on will be launching on Friday, 11/29!

  4. First Gigable campaign is at 37% with 8 days to go.

  5. Our first gigable campaign is at 106% and we are a go! Mike Gurley and the Nightcaps are bringing their awesome jazz quartet to Chicago.

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